Information and Strategy Guides
All of the guides below are produced by Bradford and Craven Autism AIM, in association with Leeds Autism AIM and the Mental Health Equity Project and are coproduced by autistic adults.
Barriers to Sleep
and Solutions
Many autistic people struggle with sleep. This guide provides general guidance and ideas to support you get a better night’s sleep.
Communication: Small Talk
Some strategies and resources to support you with ‘small talk’.
Assertiveness Issues
and Solutions
Some thoughts and ideas on assertiveness and strategies to help you be more assertive when needed.
Employment: Application Forms
Some general advice about how to approach job application forms.
Employment: Which job is Right for you?
Thinking about our interests, skills, and capabilities, can go a long way in terms of
finding the right fit for us. This guide lists some things that may be helpful to think about.
Employment: Preparing for an interview
In this guide, we have some general guidance on what to think about and prepare before a job interview.
Employment: Advantages of Employing Autistic People
There are many strengths and positives that being autistic can bring to a work role.
Some of us may not naturally recognise our own strengths, this guide gives a few ideas for you to consider.
Disclosing a Diagnosis
There are many situations when we may think about disclosing a diagnosis. For
example, to friends and family, employers, and colleagues, or to professionals.
Although there are many positives to letting people know about a diagnosis of
autism, it can leave us feeling vulnerable. This guide provides some pros and cons of disclosing.
Four Areas of Difference
This guide looks at communication, understanding others, interest and information processing and sensory processing.
Executive Functioning Explained
This is a brief overview of what executive functioning is and how this impacts autistic people.
Executive Functioning Strategies
This guide gives some simple strategies to help with things such as planning, self-regulating emotions and change.
Reasonable Adjustments
This guide looks at what reasonable adjustments are and gives you some things to think about when requesting adjustments.
Guide to Learning to Drive
This guide explains what to expect when learning to drive and has some guidance on what to look for when trying to find an instructor, things to help you prepare for the theory test and much more.
Women and Autism
Some bullet points for autistic women to think about.
Self Care
Self-care is important for everyone. However, being autistic can mean that some of
us experience everyday stresses and anxieties at a higher level than most of our
peers. The consequence of this can be frequent meltdowns or shutdowns, or just
feelings of not being able to manage another minute, hour, or day.
This guide looks at self-care tips and advice to support you get through the day.
Strengths Autism Can Bring
This guide lists some of the strengths that autism can bring with it.
Guide to Private Diagnosis
This guide is for people who are considering paying for a private diagnosis and highlights some things to consider.
Finding a Private Counsellor
This guide is for people who are looking for the right private counsellor and has tips on questions to ask and searching.
Our travel guides
Printable Travel Plan
This printout can help you to plan everything for your holiday, from packing and travel to sights you would like to see.
UK Travel Guide
This document is all about travelling in the UK, covering planes, trains, coaches and taxis, including services in West Yorkshire.
Travel Guide: Part One
Part One of our Guide to Travel covers deciding where to go, budgeting, planning, booking and guided tours.